Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Quiz: What Kind of Tech User Are You? (Pew Internet)

Is Facebook your window to your social world? Is your mobile device the last thing you put aside before shutting the light out at night? Or does the deluge of digital information leave you flat and the ring of your cell phone leave you cranky? Take the quiz to find out where you fit in the typology of technology users.

I was found to be a Digital Collaborator.

"If you are a Digital Collaborator, you use information technology to work with and share your creations with others. You are enthusiastic about how ICTs help you connect with others and confident in your ability to manage digital devices and information. For you, the digital commons can be a camp, a lab, or a theater group – places to gather with others to develop something new."

Check out John Sutter's article on CNN (and his blog with the podcast). He discusses getting internet fatigue.

My 2 cents.

I surmise that those who are "tired" of social networking are probably folks who went into it full blast and joined every possible network, while accepting every single invitation. After a while, they found themselves with tons of memberships and absolutely no time to participate.

I recommend identifying 3 to 5 top favorite social networks, and sticking to them. Once to three times a week, is an acceptable rate of updating your various profiles. Perhaps you can sign up with a single tool, to update your multiple networks.

The idea is to join a social network that will benefit you, or to use the social networks you have joined, in a way that will be effective and impact your life.

Those individuals who have experienced this alleged internet fatigue will most likely not push for social media initiatives in business. However, the same principle applies in business. It's all about picking the most impactful social media channel, and utilizing it effectively.

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